A History of Innovation

Flow-through shares are a tax policy instrument used by junior mining companies, and facilitated by the government, to raise capital for the exploration of natural resources and critical minerals through a tax deduction equal to the amount invested


The charitable tax receipt is created as part of the Income War Tax Act, providing a 100% tax deduction for donations


The Flow-Through Share tax credit is introduced to help stimulate junior mining in Canada, offering a 100% tax deduction

May 1, 2006

Prime Minister Stephen Harper removes the capital gain tax on the donation of public stock, paving the way for the charity flow-though share structure

Dr. Earl Wynands
First Flow-Through client in Canada
Anesthesiologist & Order of Canada Recipient
Dr. Earl Wynands
First Flow-Through client in Canada
Anesthesiologist & Order of Canada Recipient

May 2, 2006

Our innovation – one day later, WEALTH (WCPD Inc.) performs Canada’s first flow-through donation without paying a capital gain


Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) releases the first of nine advanced tax rulings on this structure, solidifying its place in the financial services landscape


Federal budget announces 30% Critical Mineral Exploration Tax Credit, billions in infrastructure spending and Canada’s Critical Mineral Strategy


As an industry, this structure has created billions in donations for Canadian charities, strengthened the economy and supported our green energy future